Indoctrinated Academia

Indoctrinated Academia –  Donald Trump is not the same person at home as in public, doesn’t follow the rules and has handwriting and probable behavioral characteristics like Adolph Hitler.

Ventura Unified School District – Board of Education Meeting – December 13, 2016

Per Citizens Journal – According to a student’s parent, an Anacapa Middle School teacher (Laurie Curtis-Abbe, Gate-Language Arts and World Geography teacher), invited a graphologist (handwriting analyst) to lecture in her 8th grade classroom. Invitee Sheila Lowe lectured on her art, then showed handwriting samples of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, initially without identifying them, asking students what they thought the writers were like. She allegedly told the students that Clinton was stable but that Donald Trump is not the same person at home as in public, doesn’t follow the rules and has handwriting and probable behavioral characteristics like Adolph Hitler.

Students – Ryan Hill and Kaycie Kwasney and Parent Nancy Hill file complaint with the Ventura Unified School District – Board of Education Meeting at Ventura City Hall – Guest Speaker – Sheila Lowe’s website

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The biggest plagues this society suffers from is not Ebola, Measles or even Zika. This society suffers from Biased Media and Indoctrinated Academia. These two pandemic plagues do not sound harmful but they both have one thing in common. They Are Self Inflicting Flesh Eating Viruses. They are eating the Flesh of the Constitution. They thrive on Complacency. If you don’t see this as an Archduke Franz Ferdinand moment, you are part of the problem. They are silencing conservatives.